lean uponの例文


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  1. To climb, to cling to, to sit under or lean upon.
  2. His second, shouting, leans upon the rope.
  3. He returns to his home and leans upon the shoulder of his wife, defeated.
  4. So this tough guy must learn to lean upon a tough gal, his newly installed deputy.
  5. He sometimes leans upon a cane, but at a recent reading in Manhattan he strode on to the stage unaided.


  1. "lean to roof"の例文
  2. "lean toward"の例文
  3. "lean toward something"の例文
  4. "lean towards"の例文
  5. "lean type"の例文
  6. "lean wool"の例文
  7. "lean words"の例文
  8. "lean work"の例文
  9. "lean year"の例文
  10. "lean years"の例文
  11. "lean towards"の例文
  12. "lean type"の例文
  13. "lean wool"の例文
  14. "lean words"の例文

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